Guru Pariksha


GURU PARIKSHA is specially designed to solve the problem of "Paper designing" and maintaining data in a structured way. We truly believe that designing a test is not science but an art and so GURU PARIKSHA is designed to help you design the tests in intelligent way and reducing total time by more than 85%.

Following are the features of GURU PARIKSHA:

  • Stores your data in a structured way forever.
  • Teacher wise and Admin log in to focus on each class.
  • Data is stored as per question type for e.g. Fill in the blanks, True or false, objectives, descriptive etc.
  • Assign difficulties to each question.
  • Assign marks and even year in which it appeared in earlier exams.
  • Search, update questions any time.
  • Generate test manually by choosing own criteria.
  • Auto generates the test by passing basic information.
  • Option to avoid repeated question from last exams conducted.
  • Add images, symbols, maps, pictures, graphs, diagrams etc.


  • Ready to use a structured "Question bank"
  • Create test by simply clicking the questions
  • Auto generate the test
  • Save 85% of time thus create more test for students
  • Students can face multiple test with various difficulty levels
  • Keep track of exams conducted
  • Helps to store previous years question papers

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